It will begin with the Plovdiv Jazz Fest produced concert, conceived as a tribute to the great pianist and composer Rumen Toskov-Rupeto – one of the most important and beloved names in Bulgarian jazz. Among the performers are: pianist Antoni Donchev, bass guitarist and double bassist Veselin Veselinov-Eko, trumpetist Rosen Zahariev, violinist Valentin Gerov and drummer Martin Hafizi.
On Storks
“Storks are heralds of spring, of warmth.
There exists a belief of them being humans, transformed through divine intervention.
He had the looks of a stork – tall, gaunt, with huge hands, like wings…
His hug infused everyone with kindness and warmth and his silent presence somehow transmitted love.
I think his talent and dedication to music were a means for collecting and dispersing these virtues, his mission. They must be in dire need up there in heaven, since recalling him so urgently…
And his music… it is his gift to us, now, when he can no longer hug us.
I see a stork flying hi-i-igh, hi-i-igh, all the way to the stars…
Goodbye, Rupe!”
Antoni Donchev